

Hilman Norhisamヒルマン ノーヒサム

Date of Birth 2004/5/24
Prefecture Singapore
Blood type B
Height/Weight 167cm/55kg
Nick Name Hilman
  • Message to fansI'll do my best to contribute as much as possible.

  • Motto/Favorite PhraseTrust the process
  • Dominant footRight
  • favorite foodChili Crub
  • Least Favorite Foodeggplant
  • Team HistorySingapore Sports School→Albirex Niigata FC Singapore


Main Partners
Jersey Partners
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Training Wear Partners
Apparel & Footwear Partners
Media Partners
Conditioning Partners
Women's Team Partners
School Partners
SEA CUP Partners
Academy Partners
Albirex Sports Development Fund Partners
Club Albirex