Yuhua Albirex Football Academy (YAFA) Logo Launch 2014

Thank you for your warm support.
As a way to reach out to the local community, Albirex Niigata Football Club (Singapore) provided coaches to support the running of the inaugural Yuhua Children Football Clinic (YCFC) for 32 Sundays in 2013. Participants of the clinic included boys and girls aged between 5 and 7. More than 90 participants took part in the programme.
With the success of the YCFC, both Albirex Niigata Football Club (Singapore) and Yuhua Community Sports Club (CSC) decided to collaborate to form the Yuhua Albirex Football Academy (YAFA) 2014. One reason to form the academy was to provide children with the platform to develop their football skills and learn life values through football. Another reason was to ensure that children in the YCFC programme could continue learning the game despite turning older than 7. The age group of participants will hence be expanded to include boys and girls from 8 to 13 years old. The number of participants targeted will be increased to 150.
The YAFA Logo Launch was held on 24 August 2014 at Shuqun Secondary School. Mr Daisuke Korenaga, Chairman of Albirex Niigata Football Club (Singapore) and Ms Grace Fu, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Second Minister for Foreign Affairs and Adviser to Yuhua Grassroots Organisations were present to unveil the logo. Albirex Singapore hopes that this programme would enable us to establish a good relationship through football with Yuhua and the local community.

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